The project consists of the demolition of the existing non-designated heritage asset, Hotel Felix, to create a brand-new innovative care home, which includes a re-design of the surrounding green space to serve patients with specific conditions, such as Alzheimer disease.
The challenging Green Belt location of the site is linked to the function and character of the landscape as the gap between Girton and Cambridge. The Landscape and Visual Appraisal demonstrated the lack of Green Belt harm, as the proposed design preserved the sense of openness and green character.
At the start of the process an application for a Certificate of Immunity was submitted to, and approved by, Historic England to provide a clear understanding of the building’s significance. Although not Statutory Listed the building was identified as a non-designated heritage asset by the Council. A full and robust Heritage Statement was produced which identified the building as being of low significance and it is this low level of significance which should be considered as part of the planning process.
The planning application was approved by the Inspector at public enquiry, during which both Kate and Martina acted as expert witnesses and presented their respective proof of evidence in support of the proposal.
Felix Hotel, Cambridge
Client: Bidwells for KYN