Built Heritage, Townscape and Landscape Assessments and Advice
We bring extensive experience across a wide range of projects of varying scale and complexity throughout the UK. Our expertise lies in providing advice that is grounded in a deep understanding of heritage, townscape, and landscape considerations within the planning process. This ensures that our inputs are not only relevant but also effective in achieving successful outcomes.
Our approach is tailored to each stage of a project, providing the necessary inputs to maximise value and drive positive development results.
We focus on identifying opportunities, addressing risks, and proposing practical solutions. By engaging closely with the project, design, and client teams—and collaborating with other relevant stakeholders—we ensure that each project benefits from comprehensive, strategic guidance throughout its lifecycle.
Landscape & Visual Impact Assessments or Appraisals
Townscape & Visual Impact Assessments or Appraisals
Landscape/Townscape Context Studies
Green Belt Impact Study
Baseline analysis
Championing major projects through the Local Plan process
Design Parameters and Initial Site Appraisals
Input in feasibility studies
Expert witness and evidence base critique
Townscape and Landscape
Heritage Statements
Significance & Impact Assessments
Design Parameters and Initial Site Appraisals
Assessment of large-scale regeneration masterplanning, tall buildings and strategic site allocation.
Setting assessments and assessment of new build in the setting of assets
Heritage planning and Listed Building Consent submission, advice and advocacy
Historic England engagement and advice
Input in feasibility studies
Enforcement/ Section 215 Notices
Expert witness and evidence based critique
Certificates of Immunity and listing rebuttals
Carbon reduction heritage advice
Built Heritage
Interested in starting a project?
Contact us for more information.