Colworth Science Park, Bedfordshire
Kate worked with the design team to guide the emerging vision and principles for future development of Colworth Science Park as a centre for scientific excellence, within an overall masterplan framework. As part of this we identified key opportunities and constraints for the site in particular the Grade II* building to better reveal its special interest. Kate inputted into identifying development parcels, landscaping opportunities as well as appropriate phasing and parameter plans.
Following Kate’s involvement from the pre-application stage, and involving discussions with Historic England, permission was also granted for a new laboratory building which is an exemplary example of sustainable construction and adaptive re-use. The existing structure, which is curtilage listed, is to be re-used and incorporated into the new design for the lab building. The design proposal by 4d Studio Architects is based on a modular timber façade with a stone or brick base and standing seam pitched metal roof.
Client: Bidwells for Colworth Science Park